Proactive permanent placement service
Proactive Employment's professionals have years of experience handling permanent placement projects. Proactive's permanent placement service is proven and qualified to handle an array of situations including:
- Operations and Plant Management
- Engineering
- Production Supervision
- Environmental Health and Safety
- Human Resources
- Maintenance Management and Personnel
Benefits of Proactive's Permanent Placement service
- Personalized Service: With Proactive, you won't be bothered by endless calls and emails
from multiple staff members trying to promote candidates that have nothing to do with the position you are attempting to fill.
Your personal search consultant will present you with only the most qualified applicants for each specific position.
- Expertise: We are experienced specialists who, through extensive screening, can identify
the best candidate to fill an important position. Employing the services of Proactive Personnel is ultimately faster
and more effective. As an employee owned company, clients can expect long-term personalized service. Our goal is to
maintain an exceptional reputation and build long-term relationships by providing effective results.
- Network of Contacts: Proactive has access to a wide range of contacts through extensive
recruiting and networking. Some of the best candidates are currently employed; many will only deal with a reputable recruiter.
Candidates appreciate third party representation, confidentiality and professional mediation. Recruiting superior candidates is
an intricate process and best performed by a discreet professional.
- Speed and Convenience: Proactive conducts reference checks and thorough
interviews with all applicant clients to save the employer considerable screening time. Proactive is continually
tapped into the talent marketplace, making the hiring process much faster. We realize that each day a key opening remains
unfilled; the other employees must grudgingly do double duty. Not to mention the potential revenue loss.
- Confidentiality: We understand that the search process must sometimes be kept confidential.
Confidentiality can keep current employees from finding out about internal changes, competitors about new product and market
initiatives, and can help avoid employee and stockholder apprehension. Proactive consultants are sensitive to confidential
information and will conduct their search accordingly.
- Cost Effective: Our rates are among the most competitive in the industry. The benefit of
using Proactive can be weighed against the cost of preparing and executing an expensive and lengthy advertising/recruiting
campaign. The process of advertising, recruiting and screening candidates, can be extremely costly and time consuming. The service
Proactive provides is an investment in improving the quality of an organization's staffing profile. The fees associated with
our service become incidental considering the payback.
- Objectivity and Feedback: We can help clients evaluate their expectations based on the market
and define a realistic profile and compensation package. Proactive consultants provide employers with advice and objective
feedback on the candidates. This is accomplished through close contact with both the employer and candidates.
- Reduced Downtime: In addition to saving the employer considerable screening time, our ability
to locate candidates who can immediately perform the job duties with minimum training reduces down time considerably.
Proactive Personnel does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, national origin, religion, or disability in attempting to place applicants with prospective employers, and will not refer applicants on any discriminatory basis.